Are We Mechanics?

No, we are not mechanics, working on cars and building things in the shed has always been a hobby for the both of us.

Most of what we have learnt along the way has been by simple trial and error, and just having a crack. Then followed up by alot of Youtubing and Googling.

Where Is Hackshop Garage Shed Located?

For privacy reasons, we dont disclose where the shed is located, but we are in Melbournes west and the shed itselfs is Michaels backyard shed.

What Are Our Day Jobs?

Nathan is a Qualified Sign Writer And Michael is a Fire Fighter.

Can We Work On Viewers Cars?

We get asked this question quite often, and as much as we are humbled by the fact that there are people out there who would be willing to trust us two muppets with their pride and joy, we dont take on viewers cars.

We would love to, but we simply just do not have the time or the space to take on any more projects than we already have, and being that we are not professional mechanics or car builders, we feel we could never guarantee our work.

However we are always happy to provide advice where we can.

Do We Work On Other Peoples Cars?

In some instances yes, but they are always cars that belong to our friends or family.

How Many Days A Week Do We Work On Cars And Film?

We generally film our episodes one day each weekend, as we need to work around our day jobs.

This means that our time spent working on cars, or in the shed off camera is very limited. Basically what you see in our episodes, is all the time we have in the shed at the moment. Hence why there is not alot of research or planning in what we are tackling each week and we are mostly winging it.

Who Produces Our Episodes And How Long Does Each Episode Take To Make?

All of our episodes are filmed by the two of us, we do occasionally have friends help work the camera, if they are hanging out in the shed with us while we are filming or when we are covering an event.

A day filming and working in the shed is generally around 8-10 hours and this will be made into one episode.

Each episode is edited by Michael, and a 25-30 minute episode will take anywhere from10-15 Hours to edit and then release.

Why Do We Do It?

It is great seeing people enjoy our builds and the content we create. It inspires and motivates us to continue to put in the work, build the coolest stuff we can and try to make the best content we can at the same time.

Its alot of work, but as long as people are enjoying it, we are going to keep doing it!